simon orang farisi bahasa Inggris
- simon: simon the canaanite; paul simon; simon zelotes;
- orang: folk; guy; man; men; person; the people of;
- orang farisi: pharisaic; pharisaical; self-righteously;
- farisi: pharisee; pharisees; slrubenstein|pharisees
- orang farisi: pharisaic; pharisaical; self-righteously; pecksniffian; self-righteous; sanctimonious; holier-than-thou
- yesus mengecam orang farisi: woes of the pharisees
- perumpamaan orang farisi dengan pemungut cukai: pharisee and the publican
- simon orang zelot: simon the zealot
- simon: simon the canaanite; paul simon; simon zelotes; marvin neil simon; neil simon; herbert a. simon; simon; herb simon; herbert alexander simon; simon the zealot; st. simon
- bahasa farisi: persian
- kaum farisi: pharisees; slrubenstein|pharisees
- salman al-farisi: salman the persian
- emilie simon: Émilie simon
- herb simon: herbert alexander simon; simon; herb simon; herbert a. simon
- herbert a. simon: simon; herb simon; herbert alexander simon; herbert a. simon